Wilderness Canoe Camping

If you or your children are looking for enriching experiences this summer, consider what a wilderness canoe camping adventure could do. Camp Temagami is located in Ontario, Canada, and specializes in pre-teen and teenage camps that cultivate personal growth. Between the unspoiled beauty that surrounds us and the thrilling physical exertion, our campers find self-awareness and self-confidence, not to mention life skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Canoeing is our gateway. It allows us to strip down to the basics and hone in on what truly matters. It’s an activity that anyone can enjoy, but also one that requires responsibility and commitment. It’s quite amazing what can happen in a canoe. Of course, the experience stems beyond the water, too. Our campers are immersed in the occasion and will benefit from all aspects.

Wilderness Canoe Camping

Below is a review that was shared on our Camp Temagami Facebook page from a former camper:

“When I think of camp Temagami I think of the unshakeable friendships created and strengthened through the trips and experiences. When people ask how I deal with home-sickness, the answer is… I don’t. When I’m at Camp Temagami, everyone, and everything there is my home and family.

If I had never gone to camp Temagami, I would never have learned skills such as Canoeing, preparing food, portaging, and conquering fears. Camp Temagami is unique in this experience because it lets you see who you really are, Out in the wild on trip, just you and your friends holding each other up, you become yourself. Unlike school, where you strive to fit in and create an image of yourself that doesn’t truly represent you. At camp, you never have to be something you’re not, and if you’ve met me in person at camp, you’d recognize the outgoing and recalcitrant attitude that I tackle life at camp with, every day. Temagami isn’t just a catalyst for children and youth to discover themselves alone, it embraces each unique person for who they are as well.

I can’t wait until I’m old enough to be a guide, in order to have as profound an impact on new campers as my past guides have had on me. Each year I learn and grow in incomparable ways.

The worst part of Camp Temagami is leaving and saying good-bye, by the end of the experience you’ve become so attached to the people, the place, and the community that I get off the bus with tears in my eyes, not exclusively to mourn the passing of another year, but in remembrance of the amazing memories shared.”

Don’t miss this unique opportunity. Give your child a summer to remember and a transformation to delight in at Camp Temagami.