Temagami Trippers

Program Length:

2, 4, or 6 Weeks

Recommended Ages:

8-18 | Boys, Girls & Co-ed

Groups of like aged Temagami Trippers start and end their canoe trips right from our canoe dock. The Temagami region has been a well known and sought after canoe tripping destination for over 100 years. Routes are hand-picked for each group to match participants’ age and experience. Our youngest campers typically go on multiple 2-5 day trips, while older sections may embark on trips of 15 days or more.

The vast number of canoe routes in the area include beautiful lakes, rivers, and vistas. Trips often pass through Florence and Wolf Lakes to see their amazing water clarity, Obabika Lake to hike the surrounding old growth forest, and Shishkong Lake to visit the famous rock pillar. A short paddle north of Lake Temagami, the North and South Branch of the Lady Evelyn River is home to mesmerizing waterfalls. Depending on age, groups may visit Maple Mountain or High Rock to hike for expansive vistas or paddle the nearby Sturgeon, Yorston, Temagami, or Makobe River for an introduction to moving water.

Dates – 2025

2-Week Programs

June 30 – July 13
July 14 – July 27
July 28 – August 10

4-Week Programs

June 30 – July 27
July 14 – August 10

6-Week Programs

June 30 – August 10

Rates – CAD

2 Weeks

$3100 (Early Bird)*
$3225 (Regular)*

4 Weeks

$5740 (Early Bird)*
$5980 (Regular)*

6 Weeks

$7700 (Early Bird)*
$7975 (Regular)*

Scholarships & Financial Aid Available

Register by January 1st for the Early Bird Rate!

Other Services

Bus Transportation: $137.50 (one way) or $275 (round trip) – Transportation to and from Toronto (and various locations between Toronto and Temagami).

Airport Pickup: $350

*All rates are in Canadian dollars. Prices do not include HST

Payment Options: VISA, MasterCard, American Express or cheque payable to: Camp Temagami

Tax Receipts can be issued for the fitness tax credit or for those claiming child care expenses.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

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