Leadership Education & Adventure Program

Program Length:

7 or 8 Weeks

Recommended Ages:

17-19 | Boys, Girls & Co-Ed

Our tripping program inherently promotes leadership, personal growth, and confidence. However, we recognize select participants and future guides are looking for formal training, certifications, and diverse experiences that build strong resumes.

The Leadership Education and Adventure Program (LEAP) is a combination of formal staff training and recognized professional certifications at our Temagami base camp, a remote 4-week canoe trip, and direct hands on guiding experience in an internship role with increased responsibility. Together, it is an impressive mix that fosters leaders and equips participants with the necessary skills and confidence to tackle challenges and excel in future endeavors.

Dates – 2025

7-Week Programs

June 23 – August 10

8-Week Programs

June 16 – August 10

Rates – CAD

7 or 8 Weeks

$8350 (Early Bird)*
$8625 (Regular)*

Scholarships & Financial Aid Available

Register by January 1st for the Early Bird Rate!

Other Services

Bus Transportation: $275 – Transportation to and from Toronto (and various locations between Toronto and Temagami)

Airport Pickup: $325

*All rates are in Canadian dollars. Prices do not include HST

Payment Options: VISA, MasterCard, American Express or cheque payable to: Camp Temagami

Tax Receipts can be issued for the fitness tax credit or for those claiming child care expenses.

“But love of the wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only home we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need – if only we had eyes to see.”

Edward Abbey

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Leadership Education & Adventure Program

Leadership Education & Adventure Program

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